What is the pH value of the human body?
A) 9.2 to 9.8
B) 7.0 to 7.8
C) 6.1 to 6.3
D) 5.4 to 5.6
The pH range of the human body under favorable conditions is 7.0-7.8. Usually, it depends on the part of the body. Saliva is usually about 7.1 to 7.5, blood needs to be 7.35 to 7.45, stomach acid is 1.5 to 3.5, and urine can range from 4.6 to 8.0, depending on what you have been eating or drinking, and how much water you have been drinking. pH is maintained in the body through three important mechanisms; respiratory control, renal control, and buffer systems.
Question 2: Which of the following are called "Key Industrial animals"?
A) Producers
B)Tertiary consumers
C)Primary consumers
D)None of these
Explanation:According to Elton (1939), the term "Key Industrial animals" for primary consumers as they convert the plant material into animal material. Primary consumers, which is more or less synonymous with "herbivores," eat the things that turn sunlight into energy. Secondary consumers are carnivores who eat the primary consumers..
Question 3:Which of the given amendments made it compulsory for the president to consent to the constitutional Amendment bills?
A) 27th r
B) 29th
C) 24th
D) 22th
Explanation: 24th amendment made it mandatory for the President to give his assent to the Constitutional Amendment bills. It came into existence on 5th November 1971. The 24th amendment increased the power of the parliament to amend Fundamental Rights..
Question 4: Elections to panchayats in state are regulated by ?
A) Gram panchayat
B) Nagar Nigam
C) Election Commission of India
D)State Election Commission
Explanation: Election to panchayats in the state are regulated by the State Election Commission. State Election Commissioner is the leader of the State Election Commission. He controls Local elections like Panchayats. He's appointed by the governor of that state. State Election Commissioner is nominated by the Governor..
Question 5: Which of the following Himalayan regions is called "Shivalik's"?
A) Upper Himalayas
B) Lower Himalayas
C)Outer Himalayas
D)Inner Himalayas
Explanation: The outer Himalayas are called Shivalik's. Himalaya is divided into three different sections depending on their height. The first section is known as Himadri or Greater Himalaya. The average height of Greater Himalaya is more than 6000m The second section is the Himalayas or Himachal. The average height of the Himalayas lies between 3700m - 4500m. The following famous Indian cities lie in this range, Shimla, Darjeeling, Mussoorie, Nanital, and many more. The third section is called or The Shivalik's. The average height of the Outer Himalayas is around 900m-1200m. The following famous Indian cities lie in this range Rishikesh, Haridwar, Dev Prayag, Rudra Prayag..
div class="question" id="question6">Question 6: Forming of Association in India is?
A) Legal Right
B) Illegal Right
C) Natural Right
D) Fundamental Right.
Explanation: Forming of Association is a fundamental right given in the Constitution of India under Article 19(1)(c)
Question 7: Right to emergency medical aid is a
A) BLegal Right
B) Illegal Right
C)Constitutional Right
D) Fundamental Right.
Explanation: The Right to emergency medical aid is a fundamental Right. Article 21, which is in Part -III of the Indian constitution, therefore, it is a fundamental right that talks about the Right to Life in which it is stated that "No person shall be deprived of his/her life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law." It should be noted here that over the years Supreme Court has expanded the ambit of this important fundamental Right to include some essential components like the Right to live with dignity, among others. Recently the Right to Privacy was also included in its ambit. Recently, In the Pandemic (COVID 19), the emergency medical aid facility is also provided by the state government to the citizens..
Question 8: Which of the given devices is used for counting blood cells?
D) Hamosytometer
Explanation: Hemocytometer is used for counting blood cells. Louis Charles Malassez was invented the hemocytometer. It consists of a thick glass microscope slide with a rectangle shape indentation that builds a chamber.
Question 9: Which of the given compounds is used to make fireproof clothing??
A) Aluminum chloride
B) Magnesium Chloridet
C) Aluminum Sulphate
D) Magnesium Sulphate
Explanation:Aluminum Sulphate is used to make fireproof clothing. The chemical formula of Aluminum Sulphate is Al2SO4. It is a chemical agent specifically used in water purification, for the pH regulation of garden soil, and in waste water treatment..

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